I am a painter and mixed-media artist currently based in Minnetonka, Minnesota. My work is driven by a voracious, ever-evolving curiosity that isn’t constrained by subject matter or style. It is rooted in an exploration of various themes: place, agency, singularity, liminality, and resilience. 

I use the concept of liminal space as a lens through which I explore themes of threshold and duality inherent in place and within ourselves, in an attempt to reconcile two perspectives or states of being. I use abstraction and simplification to highlight instances of confluence, overlap, difference, and separation. My varied approaches are generated by questions about what and how to communicate about place and interiority through art, and by my desire to explore the relationship between the material and the conceptual.

I received a BFA in Studio Art from University of Minnesota Duluth, followed by a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. After deciding to become an art educator, I moved to Portland, Maine and received a Master of Arts in Teaching from Maine College of Art in 2019. When I’m not in the classroom or studio, you can find me in my hammock with a book, at an indie rock concert with my friends, or on my paddleboard in the middle of a lake.